Get Stacked Investment Podcast
Get Stacked Investment Podcast
Join Corey Hoffstein and Rodrigo Gordillo as they explore the world of return stacking with insights from leading experts and real-world applications. Break away from traditional portfolio construction and rethink successful investing.
Rodrigo GordilloCorey Hoffstein

Michael Philbrick

Michael Philbrick is a seasoned investment professional and the CEO at ReSolve Asset Management SEZC, based in George Town, Cayman Islands. With over 25 years of experience in investment management, Philbrick is a founding member and trading advisor at Return Stacked® Portfolio Solutions. He holds the designations of Chartered Investment Manager® (CIM®) and Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®). Philbrick co-authored "Adaptive Asset Allocation: Dynamic Global Portfolios to Profit in Good Times – and Bad" and several whitepapers on quantitative global asset allocation. Before co-founding ReSolve Asset Management, he held senior roles at Scotia McLeod, Richardson GMP, and Macquarie Group.

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